DNA Behavior Blog

Your Vision Checkup Is Past Due… Your Life Vision

Written by Hugh Massie | June 06, 2023

Money Energy Law #24:

Vision clarifies goals. Visualize your goals to pave the way for taking impactful opportunities.

Vision gives us a sense of purpose. It serves as a guide and helps us create a mental picture that influences the actions we take—and it helps to facilitate Money Energy more easily. And goals are the actionable steps that feed your vision.

Find a quiet place to begin your journey.

With any journey, it begins with a decision. Your vision is the same. Whether you are considering a vision for the first time or revisiting one you already have, I encourage you to find a place of harmony, both physically and mentally, and take some time to reflect on what matters to you, what you want to achieve, and the lifestyle you desire for the future. 

Only then can you analyze your current situation, which will require gathering information, considering trends that impact your future self, and clearly recognizing opportunities and challenges. It’s at this point when you can visualize your personal possibilities, and I recommend you research them, even discuss them with people who have positive energy, to define your vision.

The next step is to establish the goals that help lead to your vision. However, it can give you a big boost to first know your behavioral map before you create milestones to achieve. DNA Behavior can add clarity and help you experience a more impactful journey. Here are three recommended actions to take:

  • Know your identity.

    • What do you stand for?
    • What would others say of your character?
    • What drives your passion?
  • Know your inherent behaviors.
    • How do you relate with others?
    • What are your biases? – We all have them, and they need to be known and managed.
    • Are you behaviorally smart?
  • Know your money energy.
    • Are you a spender or saver?
    • What risks are you prepared to take?
    • Are you optimizing your ability to generate wealth?

From Color Scheme to Behavioral Styles

Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychologist said, “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” That phrase is a powerful one. It’s what I’m attempting to awaken in you by establishing a vision.

By the way, Carl Jung wasn’t just a psychologist who provided us with clever quotes. I consider him the father of personality traits, which he broke down into four primary types. They include irrational functions (how we perceive environments and gather information), which are sensing and intuition, and rational functions (how we make decisions or judge), which are thinking and feeling. Chances are, at some point of your life you have taken a Myers-Briggs or “color-based” personality test in one form or another that determined if you were introverted intuition, extroverted intuition, introverted sensation, extroverted sensation, etc.

We’ve come a long way since then and DNA Behavior not only helps you identify your unique behavioral style, but how to empower your life energies with them, improve engagement with others, and achieve your full Money Energy potential. We differ from other programs because we help take what makes you special and offer actionable steps for you to achieve exponential mindset growth.

It's essential to discover your unique financial personality.

Your financial personality and your inherent behavior are aligned, and your behavioral style is an integral contributing factor to all decision-making, performance, and relationships. It’s more than confidence, it’s about using what you know about yourself to establish a clear vision.

A case in point is Mike Tudor, 35-year-old entrepreneur who has been taking investment risks since he was 18 years old. He first learned from his father who was an investment analysist. For Mike, it was natural to start dabbling in investment opportunities. However, Mike knows that, at times, he has taken what many would say are very bold risks. At the same time, he has the mental strength to live with the consequences when significant losses occur. Mike admits that he rationalizes losses as if it were a game and can focus on the next opportunity, which can lead to overconfidence.

Mike has a clear vision for his life journey. It has enabled him to become an owner of several small businesses. This, however, was only half of the picture. His goals also include building financial stability and security for his family today, and a legacy when he is no longer there. He is committed to building wealth and family businesses that can provide careers for him and his extended family.

Fortunately for Mike, his advisor uses DNA Behavior and had him complete the DNA Natural Behavior Discovery. The results provided them both with the behavioral insights needed to reveal and improve Mike’s relationship with money. Together, they set boundaries to manage overconfidence and the propensity to take greater than necessary risks. This paved the way to making more impactful decisions that complemented his vision, while maintaining safety nets—an action that would not have been taken if he did not know his identity, inherent behaviors, and Money Energy potential.

When was the last time you evaluated your own personal vision in terms of your own behavioral style? Isn’t time you experienced exponential mindset growth of your own?

I hope you’ll take your journey one step further and explore the Money Energy Discovery Process. Gain access to as little or as much as you need for yourself, your business, or a mix of both! Isn't it time you learned an improved method to achieve better financial wellbeing? Stay tuned every week as we continue to reveal all 40 Laws of Money Energy.

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