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4 min read

When Do Intuition and Money Energy Clash?

When Do Intuition and Money Energy Clash?

Money Energy Law #35:

Money energy clouds your intuition. Power your intuition with the correct data.

Money is an inherent part of our lives, and it needs to be nourished with a positive mindset to keep it healthy. Remember that energy sources are aligned, and each one feeds into the other. For example, keeping mentally strong helps us resist derailment from negative thoughts. The key is to maintain and grow your Money Energy with life-giving data that improves your relationship with money and your decision-making abilities. 

Where does intuition fit in?

We all have intuition – gut feelings – that unexpected prompt that is an inherent trait of humans. It is the ability to understand something without the need for conscious reasoning. 

However, the book Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment supports research that intuition, in the first instance, is only 28% accurate for decision-making.1 That is because humans, in exercising judgment using their intuition, often listen to a lot of random “noise,” leading to variable decisions about the same thing. That’s not a very reassuring statistic. 

Ten steps to improve your intuition:

  1. Educate yourself. Seek to improve your financial literacy. Learn about various financial concepts like the 40 Laws of Money Energy you are experiencing right now. Read and watch from reputable resources about budgeting, investing, and risk management.

  2. Stay informed. Subscribe to publications that provide objective information on financial news, trends, and market analysis…and pay attention to economic indicators.

  3. Analyze past decisions. Reflect on financial choices you have made (both successful and unsuccessful). Assess what factors led to positive outcomes and if there newer information that could change those types of decisions.

  4. Embrace your risk tolerance. Take calculated risks by seeking unbiased information to evaluate the risks and rewards while being mindful of your limitations.

  5. Get help. Don’t rely on your intuition alone, especially for decisions with higher risks. Seek input from experts, mentors, financial advisors, coaches, and friends who can provide insights on pros and cons, but they should not be making the decision for you.

  6. Establish a decision-making process. Setting up a systematic process for making financial choices helps to produce consistent intuitive guidelines.

  7. Gain confidence. Apply intuition to smaller financial decisions and slowly expand. This allows you to learn from successes (and failures) without exposing yourself to greater financial risk. The gradual approach will help build confidence in your intuition.

  8. Know your behavioral style. How can you keep your emotions in check without knowing your personal identity? At a minimum, make sure you have completed a DNA Natural Behavioral Discovery. Understand your behavioral strengths and risks and they will help guide your intuition.

  9. Have patience. Without it, you tend to rush into choices that lead to less-than-optimal outcomes. Gather information first, weigh options, and consider consequences. We all know this, but you need to practice patience to make it a habit.

  10. Actively listen to feedback. Often, we passively listen to feedback, but to gain insights and improve future financial decisions, respond to what you are hearing to ensure there is mutual understanding so that you can identify similar scenarios in the future.

With improved intuition comes improved Money Energy potential. At DNA Behavior, we provide individuals and organizations with a deeper understanding of their money behavior so they can apply the “check yourself before you wreck yourself” principle. It’s measurable, manageable, and one of the most effective ways to remove any decision-making blockages that could result in disappointing results.

When Decisions Get Cloudy

Leaders who make critical decisions based on intuition supported by research and other data often find that when money enters the debate, they experience emotional clouds and suffer decision blindness (becoming less aware of choices and preferences).

Meet Stefan Goldman. He is 43, married, with a son in college. He runs one of the most successful high-end sports car dealerships in his city. People travel interstate to visit his showroom and take advantage of unique incentives such as free dining, a pool, and a theater to watch sports racing. He’s got quite the reputation. 

Stefan often relies on his gut instincts, while at the same time he is very genuine; it’s part of his behavioral style and feeds his passion for the car industry and informed his decisions. He also sees opportunities to grow his Money Energy potential by expanding the range from sports cars to luxury SUVs. Initially it was an intuitive decision, but he also gathered a great deal of information to support the additional line of vehicles. Sometimes, however, acting on opportunities impact Money Energy negatively when the potential relies on others to have the same vision.

Stefan’s reputation was built around selling Ferraris and Lamborghinis, but luxury SUVs are a very different product, and they appeal to a very different customer. As he set out his plans for extending the showrooms and facilities, his team thought the stakes were too high and believed he was pushing the boundaries of conventional wisdom based only on intuition.

To his colleagues and their own limited intuition, Stefan appeared unpredictable. They feared for their jobs and the continuing success of the current business. Stefan faced a dilemma, and, against his better judgment, he did not add luxury SUVs to their showrooms. His personal Money Energy blocked trust, intuition, and innovation when the exponential growth depended on the efforts of others.

Sadly, it turned out that luxury SUVs had proven to be one of the most profitable vehicles in the years to follow and Stefan lost out on exponential gains. The learning lesson is, even if you have strong intuitive decision-making abilities, your Money Energy potential can create a blockage if it depends on others to realize the opportunity. In such situations, it’s essential to not only recognize the data, processes, and facts that support your decision, but to share the evidence with others to reduce doubt and add that information to their own intuition.

I hope you’ll take your journey one step further and explore the Money Energy Discovery Process, which includes completing the DNA Natural Behavior Discovery Process. Isn't it time you learned an improved method to achieve better financial wellbeing? Stay tuned every week as we continue to reveal all 40 Laws of Money Energy.

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1Sunstein, Cass R., Kahneman, Daniel, and Sibony, Olivier. Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment. Little, Brown, Spark. May 18, 2021.

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