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Healthy Heart Rate Variability Builds Healthy Money Energy

Healthy Heart Rate Variability Builds Healthy Money Energy

Money Energy Law #38:

The impact of money on your health and life goals.

I don’t think a day goes by that I haven’t read an article on how financial stress is related to physical and mental stress.1 It’s a pervasive issue that affects individuals across all socioeconomic backgrounds. That's why understanding our relationship with money is so crucial, not only for our financial well-being but also for our overall health. 

Monitoring your health is also monitoring your Money Energy.

Recent studies suggest that Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is an important health marker. Unlike heart rate, which measures how many times our heart beats in a minute, HRV measures the time between heartbeats. A higher variation in beat-to-beat time indicates low stress, while a low variation indicates high stress. HRV is affected by various factors such as our lifestyle, mental health, nutrition, hydration, exercise, and sleep.

Considering how pervasive money is in our conscious and subconscious lives, it's logical to conclude that it can affect our HRV. Anxious thoughts about money can trigger HRV instigators and lead to sustained low HRV, indicating a risk to our health. The good news is, technological innovations such as wearable devices and smartphone apps have provided us a way to monitor HRV and other vital signs. 

How does your behavioral style fit into the picture?

A research study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that individuals with higher levels of conscientiousness (what DNA behavior measures as Planned) had lower levels of chronic health conditions and reported better physical health overall.2 People who strongly align with the Planned trait tend to save more money and have a budget, a financial plan, and an emergency fund. They have a greater sense of security by having more control over their life, which will make them less likely to be financially stressed.

Combining what you know about your personal identity and monitoring your health indicators can help you improve your dietary habits, exercise more, and improve sleep. In essence, it can help motivate you to make healthier choices—and that includes making healthier choices about your money. That’s because your physical health, your mental health, your nutrition, and your money are all interconnected and feed your overall life energy.

Understanding our overall Money Energy and how it impacts the other primary energy sources powering our lives is essential to our well-being. So, just as poor health can lead to poor financial decision-making, the inverse is true. Money issues can lead to stress, poor sleep, poor diet, and dysfunctional relationships. Addressing our relationship with money and integrating it into a more holistic approach to life can help unleash the power of our Money Energy for happiness, success, and, ultimately, better health.

Often, the media focuses on the ever-escalating cost of healthcare. This creates concerns about whether we will have enough money to pay for medical expenses as we get older. And what if you continue to live a healthy life and improve your probabilities of experiencing many years in retirement? For anyone over 45, addressing their longevity and the implications to retirement planning are crucial. So, we always need to be diligent in monitoring all our life energies.

Good or bad, health creates monetary challenges.

Interestingly, more and more people are using HRV and other health insights to help manage stress, balance their training and lifestyle, and improve their performance. For example, an MRI brain scan can reveal blockages holding back our potential and show a range of worrying issues causing stress. Logically, such imaging processes can also help determine whether money issues are causing anxiety or trauma.

Dan is 43, single, and a senior civil engineer. His DNA Behavior profile shows him to be structured, reserved, and anchored in his thinking, everything you might want in his profession. However, these are not talents; they are inherent behaviors that span across every part of his life. Everything Dan does is planned and implemented in a very conscientious way. It’s why he also uses technology to observe his vital signs, particularly his HRV. He is diligent in maintaining a healthy body.

Recently, a friend approached Dan to invest in a townhouse development project. At first, he was very excited, particularly by the projected potential return on investment. Several meetings ensued, and all seemed to be going as planned—until he noticed significant changes in his HRV and sleep patterns that indicated stress. His measurements were surpassing established norms and reference ranges that were set for him.

Having been aware of his body, emotions, and sleep patterns for many years, he realized that all the indicators were telling him that this opportunity was negatively impacting his health and it could become detrimental to his well-being. He considered what good would more money be if his health might suffer and potentially lead to a shorter life.

The choice was difficult, but he withdrew from the opportunity, knowing it could reduce his lifespan and Money Energy potential. This wake-up call for Dan demonstrated how even structured and planned people such as himself can be hijacked by their emotions.

In conclusion, understanding our relationship with money and its impact on our HRV and overall health is paramount for a quality, healthy, well-balanced life. Getting more education, advice, and insight into our Money Energy can prompt us to achieve financial capability and better health. In addition, planned and conscientious people who understand the impact of money on reducing stress levels are more likely to lead healthier lives.

I hope you’ll take your journey one step further and explore the Money Energy Discovery Process, which includes completing the DNA Natural Behavior Discovery Process. Isn't it time you learned an improved method to achieve better financial wellbeing? Stay tuned every week as we continue to reveal all 40 Laws of Money Energy.

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2Leger, Kate A; Charles, Susan T; Turiano, Nicholas A; Almeida, David M. Personality and stressor-related affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. December 2016.

Driving Happiness and Health

Driving Happiness and Health

Money Energy Law #2: Money Energy drives more than wealth. Embrace Money Energy for your happiness and health.

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Healthy Habits Increase Money Energy

Healthy Habits Increase Money Energy

Money Energy Law #11: Develop healthy habits. Make sustainable lifestyle changes to increase your money energy.

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It Must Be Measured, Before Managed

It Must Be Measured, Before Managed

Money Energy Law #10: If you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it. Start measuring your money energy today.

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