Behavioral Data Provides Revenue-Driving Perspective
Want to get on the fast track to higher sales and customer loyalty? We can help you understand your audience by instantly identifying their marketing...
Our purpose-driven software and behavioral experts work together to best meet your business needs.
Our app lets you toggle between insights most relevant to the employee or client experience.
Key behavioral insights can be integrated into your favorite web tools and custom applications.
Our behavioral experts can help you get the most out of our technology through training programs, customized workshops, and more.
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Learn how we use the forced-choice scoring methodology to accurately predict a person's core personality traits and behavioral style.
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Don’t build marketing personas just because it’s “the way it’s always been done.” Build them with purpose…and enhance them with game-changing technology. Here’s why…
Marketing personas are a great way to categorize customers and prospects. Businesses have used these fictional buyers to direct sales and marketing efforts for decades. But, you have to understand the mission before executing a strategy, right? So, let’s talk about why marketing personas are more relevant than ever before. Then, we’ll show you how you can make them even better!
First, we should be clear about what we mean by “marketing persona.” They are profiles used to represent customer groups with shared characteristics. You may have heard them called buyer personas, customer personas, audience personas, or target personas, but they are all exactly the same thing.
While they are definitely worthwhile, building marketing personas can be a lot of work. They typically include demographics, interests, roles, age groups, goals, pain points, and more. So, it takes a good deal of research to make sure they are created accurately.
Traditional Data Collection:
More sophisticated marketing personas include behavioral traits to give you a better understanding of how people think and make decisions. Psychological assessments can be used for this purpose, but you may not have them for everyone. Our newly developed Digital Scan, however, can instantly add a layer of behavioral data to what is already collected by your firm.
AI-Driven Data Collection:
Now, let’s get into the reasons for creating marketing personas in the first place. In today’s incredibly competitive marketplace, nothing is more important than understanding the people you are trying to reach. People want more than a product or service that gets the job done. They want something purpose-built for them. Client-centered businesses are the future, and they start with effective marketing personas that are built with people’s nuanced differences in mind.
Why use marketing personas?
Marketing personas can provide essential clues that help foster a deeper level of engagement with clients and prospects. Even so, they can be problematic if not built on concrete and up-to-date data. Be aware of the pitfalls that can make your efforts backfire.
Ineffective Practices:
“Personas are only as effective as the research that goes into them, but the research must be objective and not based on assumptions.”
- Forrester
Giving your clients or customers a tailored experience is no longer a special added touch; it’s a baseline expectation. So, it’s worth the time and energy to make sure your marketing personas contain the right kind of information. If you want to add some punch to your personas, consider an instant infusion of behavioral insights!
We recently developed a way to easily combine behavioral insights with the data most companies already have on their clients and prospects. Our AI-assisted Digital Scan technology can add a new dimension to your marketing personas in real time and without endless surveys. The results have a psychometric reliability of 75% to 80% using a person’s digital footprint alone!
Even when a marketing persona indicates someone is a perfect match for your products and services, you’ll still need the right approach if you want to win their business. With this in mind, we created four marketing personas that are aligned with natural behavioral styles to aid in one firm’s hyper-personalization efforts. In the graphic below, you can see some communication tips provided by the system. These are just a few examples of the 4,000+ insights that a Digital Scan can effortlessly provide for every one of your contacts. So, you can know how to connect before you ever meet!
Communication Messaging Based on Natural Style
Prioritize Marketing Personas in 2025
So, as you formulate your goals for 2025, we encourage you to make personalization a cornerstone of your strategic plan. And, if you want to do it the easy way, we’d be happy to introduce you to the Digital Scan!
To learn more about the value of creating marketing personas that are supercharged with AI-driven behavioral analytics, download our free eBook.
Want to get on the fast track to higher sales and customer loyalty? We can help you understand your audience by instantly identifying their marketing...
Want to know how to create next-level client experiences? Behavioral intelligence can help you truly connect with your audience!
With insights into behavior, you can enhance the employee and client experience and have better control over the trajectory of your business!