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3 min read

Passion Inspires Vitality and Money Energy

Passion Inspires Vitality and Money Energy

Money Energy Law #21:

Passion inspires vitality. Don’t let your current financial status get in the way of deep passion.

Passionately pursuing a purpose-driven life leads to fulfillment, happiness, less stress, better health, and is likely to lead to more opportunities to generate wealth. Just like vitamins help your body to run efficiently and effectively, your passion does the same for your Money Energy.

Passion: Past and Present

In terms of passion, Plato (427–348 BC), the Athenian philosopher, is recorded as talking about passion in the literal sense of the word. But, in his day, the term had more of a negative connotation. Loss of reason and control over rationality was their interpretation of its meaning. It was considered a hindrance to direct thought.

Fast forward several hundred years, and the more modern interpretation can be inspiring. In fact, Steve Jobs once famously made two related statements. Firstly, he said,” You have to have much passion for what you are doing because it is so hard... if you don’t, any rational person will give up.” And secondly, he said, “We believe people with passion can change the world for the better. That’s what we believe. And we believe that those people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.” I believe that whole-heartedly.

Scientifically Proven

A 2012 review of more than 200 studies found a connection between positive psychological attributes such as happiness, optimism, and life satisfaction, and a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease. Laura Kubzansky, Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and other Harvard School of Public Health researchers published these findings in Psychological Bulletin.1

What I am alluding to is the power of passion and its influence over anchoring behavior—otherwise known as our tendency to limit our decision-making based on a fixed reference point. Often, we hinder our Money Energy potential when we lock ourselves into our current financial situation versus pursuing passions that lead to more opportunities. This is especially true when it comes to feeling constrained by what you do for a living to earn income versus what brings you joy. 

Passion Feeds Purpose

Let’s look at the journey of Sam Poole, 29, single, who has learned how to experience exponential mindset growth, but this wasn’t always the case. For many years, as a child and into his early teens, he witnessed his grandparents living in squalid independent community housing. Unfortunately, Sam's parents never accumulated sufficient wealth to support their parents and enable them to experience better living conditions, and his own path at the time did not appear to be much brighter.

This influenced Sam’s behavior. From an early age, Sam decided he wanted to create a better environment for his immediate family, but how could he improve his Money Energy potential? While he currently had a stable job and modest income, he was struggling with how he could make this seemingly impossible dream a reality with no capital to get started.

However, Sam had a passion—a purpose-driven vision. And so, during his free time, he began volunteering for a community living company to learn more about how they sourced accommodations for those in need, how they renovated, how they obtained the finances to pay for the renovations, and how and when families were rehoused into better standard accommodation.

Along the way, Sam worked alongside the renovators, purchasers, and administration. He learned the process of buying a smaller home for needy families and then buying a bigger, more expensive home once there were sufficient funds to expand.

Applying his newfound knowledge and skills, Sam, at age 24, purchased a one-bedroom studio apartment. He had saved enough money for a deposit but had no capital for renovations, so he undertook the work himself. Self-taught from YouTube videos and working as a short-order cook three evenings a week for additional income solely for the purpose of upgrading the apartment, he had a plan of action in place.

Not long thereafter, he made renovations and sold the property for a significant profit. He felt the boost of Money Energy. As a reminder, Money Energy is the power and capacity to generate wealth that becomes a stored force releasable into your life at any time. Sam definitely witnessed this happening.

Exponential growth did not happen overnight.

It took five years of repeating the process and three successful sales, but his bank balance finally reached a point that enabled him to release that stored force. Sam purchased a long-abandoned convent and, with volunteers (as he previously learned), renovated it into one- and two-bedroom units with modern facilities. He converted the grounds into a pleasant landscape that included sitting areas and a community vegetable garden.

Sam was able to quit his job and dedicate his time and career to managing the property. When asked why he chose this line of work, his response was, “My passion changed my world. I intend to build a business that enables every person in my community, regardless of financial status, to own their own home.”

When we reflect, Sam’s passion may not have seemed rational (as in the Greek interpretation). He didn’t have much money, and he didn’t have the skills, but what he had was passion, which led to vitality, and which led to happiness. He’s experiencing Money Energy!

What are your passions? Is anchoring bias and your current financial status preventing you from following your dreams and a stronger relationship with money?

I hope you’ll take your journey one step further and explore the Money Energy Discovery Process. Gain access to as little or as much as you need for yourself, your business, or a mix of both! Isn't it time you learned an improved method to achieve better financial wellbeing? Stay tuned every week as we continue to reveal all 40 Laws of Money Energy.

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Purpose and Commitment Unlock Your Potential

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Deconstructing Debt: Reimagine Financial Well-being

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