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4 min read

Money Triggers Your Sensory Signals

Money Triggers Your Sensory Signals

Money Energy Law #32:

Recognize how money triggers sensory signals. Monitor your mind and body responses.

Have you ever wondered why the mere thought, sight, or touch of an object relating to money can evoke certain sensations within you? This is a result of neural pathways and parts of the brain stimulating multiple levels of sensory perception. 

Before you can manage those triggers to benefit your Money Energy, you first need to recognize them and monitor your mind and body responses. Let’s review them.

  1. Visual Stimulation. Just the sight of money or imagery that represents money may induce feelings of excitement, anticipation, or even anxiety depending on your financial situation or mindset.

  2. Tactile Sensations. The feeling of literally touching paper money may have shifted to the experience of digital transactions. Observing the movement of money in and out of your account can continue to evoke a similar sensation.

  3. Cognitive Processes. When you see opportunities to spend or save money, are you inclined to make an impulsive purchase or engage in long-term financial planning? Viewing money in terms of scarcity or abundance shapes our financial perceptions, decision-making and well-being.

  4. Physiological Changes. If your relationship with money is negative, it can drive financial stress, which can lead to an increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, congestion in your chakra’s, or cause you to experience sleepless nights. However, if you feel more confident that you are increasing your Money Energy potential, it is more likely you will experience feelings of relaxation and well-being.

  5. Emotional Triggers. Money can evoke a full spectrum of emotions ranging from joy and contentment to feelings of fear and envy of others.

DNA Behavior uses insights from your sensory signals to align your heart and mind. We measure your propensities for the following, which are inherently opposite traits:

  • Relationships – where feelings and the heart rule

  • Results – where the mind rules

Please keep in mind, behavioral styles are more complex than just these two dimensions, but by recognizing both relationships and results we can interpret signals of enhanced happiness, success, and health and how they align and influence the decision-making process.

Quantum leaps in your life require an aligned heart and brain.

The communication between your heart and brain is a dynamic and ongoing two-way dialogue. Each influences the other. Not that I intended to make this blog post a science class, but once you understand sensory perception and what we can learn from DNA Behavior, it’s important to comprehend the four ways the heart communicates with the brain and body:

  1. Neurological communication (nervous system)

  2. Biochemical communication (hormones)

  3. Biophysical communication (pulse wave)

  4. Energetic communication (electromagnetic fields)

We often believe our brains give our body all the orders, but research shows that far more signals go from the heart to the brain than the other way around. This is because the vagus nerve, which contains most of the neural pathways related to the heart and is responsible for the regulation of internal organ functions, sends most of its signals to the brain. What we often were not taught is the heart has its own brain, which is processed by its intrinsic nervous system.

How do we know this? An early warning signal about your stress levels caused by money may come from regularly monitoring your Heart Rate Variability (HRV) using a smart device. HRV is a psychophysiological marker that provides insight into the underpinnings of your autonomic nervous system—which in turn can be used as a determinant for your stress response.

Generally, a higher HRV is associated with greater heart strength and less stress. Although the HRV is a highly sensitive biological marker will fluctuate for each individual, a higher HRV will generally indicate:

  • Cardiovascular strength

  • Mental health, and resilience to stress in particular

  • Living a healthy life

The Connection of the Mind, Heart, and Body to Money Energy

Let me introduce you to Kate Roberts, age 26. Her DNA Behavior profile shows her to be an Initiator. Kate likes to take bold, aggressive actions and create rules. But, like all of us, she has biases that influence her decision-making and ability to manage money. Kate’s biases are Newness and Mental Accounting.

A newness bias is when we prefer novelty purely due to the recentness of the release of a product, service, or idea. Mental accounting deals with budgeting and categorizing expenditures by segmenting them into buckets that can create inflexibility.

Recently married, Kate is given a digital fitness band by her health-conscience husband (who also is familiar with Financial DNA and completed the Money Energy Discovery Process. He has observed her reaction to financial challenges at work and her intense response to money conversations at home. He believes her relationship with money is impacting her sleep, creating anxiety, and elevated stress levels. He knows that her financial well-being is connected to her physiological well-being.

Recently, Kate excitedly announced to her husband that she has joined an all-women investment group that has pooled resources to buy an investment property in a new luxury condominium. She expressed that its rentals would be a lucrative income, and she was able to participate by drawing upon her holiday savings, rainy day money, and general savings to pay her part of the deal.

Shocked, her husband pointed out that a) they hadn’t discussed it, b) the condos weren’t even built yet, and c) what happened to the budget and investment plan they had agreed upon? Her husband quietly continued to point out the influences that newness and mental accounting bias may have had on this investment decision.

Kate’s husband is very familiar with sensory signals and explained to Kate that money is not the problem: the human mind is. To prove it from a more scientific perspective, he asked her to check her HRV. Her variability was low, which indicated she was experiencing acute stress. After her spouse explained the connection between mind, body, and heart and a took deeper dive into her inherent behaviors, Kate could now see where she was allowing her sensory reactions to influence her financial decision-making.

Couples need to be on the same page.

It can be hard enough to have someone discover their path to Money Energy on their own, it gets even more challenging when it comes to couples. Differing ideas between two people about how to spend money, organize a budget, use credit, and tackle other financial goals not only have the potential to create financial relationship issues, but they can also impact the relationship between two people. 

However, solving financial challenges is easier when both people know their personal identities, can measure stress caused by money from a health perspective, and one can help coach the other as in the case of Kate and her husband. By the way, the couple found a way to remain in the investment by holding each other accountable to a shared budget.

I hope you’ll take your journey one step further and explore the Money Energy Discovery Process, which includes completing the DNA Natural Behavior Discovery Process. Isn't it time you learned an improved method to achieve better financial wellbeing? Stay tuned every week as we continue to reveal all 40 Laws of Money Energy.

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