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Mapping Gender, Race, and Behavior

Mapping Gender, Race, and Behavior

Every human being has a unique set of strengths that guide their life and work. We decided to find out if gender and background play a role.

Identifying traits of a whole group of people, whether done scientifically or not, is inherently problematic since every person is unique. Even so, knowing that someone is more likely to exhibit certain behavioral strengths because of gender or race can be extremely beneficial. So, we wanted to see what the data would reveal!

The Gender and Race Study
We conducted a study from a pool of 65,000 willing research participants. They each completed our 46-question natural behavior assessment. Then, we analyzed the largest participant groups, looking for any significant behavior patterns.

Participant Groups

  • Hispanic: Males and Females

  • White: Males and Females

  • Black: Males and Females

  • Asian: Males and Females

How We Measure Behavioral Traits
Our platform uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine each person’s inherent behavior style. But underneath each style are factor and sub-factor scores as well as over 4,000 insights that paint a fuller picture of how the individual approaches work and life. For this study, we looked at each participant’s factor and sub-factor scores and mapped them according to gender and race.

The 8 Primary Factors and Their Related Behavioral Traits

Commanding Cooperative Take-charge
People Reserved Outgoing
Patience Fast-paced Patient
Structure Spontaneous Planned
Trust Skeptical Trusting
Pioneering Content Pioneering
Risk Cautious Risk-taking
Creativity Anchored Creative

If you’d like to see how various traits are mapped and used to build a behavioral profile, check out our sample Factor and Sub-Factor Report.


What We Found
Interestingly, we found that behavioral traits often correlate with a person’s gender and race. That doesn’t mean that you can assume anything about a person, but it does mean that you have a better chance of understanding them if you know how they might be inherently wired.

Mapping Gender Race and Behavior_Factors_Blog Post

What We Learned About Men

We discovered that while men don’t have many shared traits, they do have one significant thing in common: risk. Men across the board are more likely to take risks than women!

  • Risk

What We Learned About Women
Women tend to have many shared traits, especially regarding relationships. They are more likely than men to be naturally outgoing, trusting, and patient. They also score high in structure, so you might want to consider this when a job requires planning, accuracy, and relationship-building.

  • People

  • Patience

  • Structure

  • Trust

What We Learned About Race
This study revealed the strongest, most defining behavioral traits by race. Black participants got notably higher scores in Pioneering, meaning they are more likely to have strong initiative, competitiveness, and determination. Black and Hispanic participants got especially high People scores, so they are more likely to be outgoing and approachable rather than reserved and skeptical. Asian, Black, and White participants scored equally on Structure, but it was the most defining trait for White participants.

Strongest Traits by Race
Asian – Structure, Creativity
Black – People, Trust, Pioneering
Hispanic – People, Trust
White – Structure

So, Who Scored the Highest for Each Behavioral Trait?
These scores must be kept in perspective. They won’t be true for everyone, nor do they represent the whole nuanced picture that makes up an individual. It is more important that we look at each person’s strongest traits, not a broad comparison by gender or background. However, we’ll list the results by factor and sub-factor because understanding what may be different between people is often the best way to foster respect and connection.

Results by Factor

These are the groups that scored the highest for each Factor. There was a mathematically significant margin that set them apart from other groups.

Commanding White and Hispanic Males
People Women in General – Hispanic and Black Females Especially
Patience Women in General – White and Hispanic Females Especially
Structured Women in General – Asian and White Females Especially
Trust Women in General – Hispanic and Black Females Especially
Pioneering Black Males and Females – Black Males Especially
Risk Men in General – Especially Asian Males
Creativity Asian Males


Results by Sub-Factor

These are the groups that scored the highest for each Sub-Factor. There was a mathematically significant margin that set them apart from other groups.

Authoritative Men in General – Especially Hispanic and White Males
Self-Reliant White Males
Frank White and Hispanic Males
Expressive Hispanic Females
Sociable Black Females
Communicative Hispanic Females
Empathetic Women in General – White Females Especially
Encouraging Women in General – White and Hispanic Females Especially
Accepting Women in General – White and Hispanic Females Especially
Accurate Asian Females
Scheduled White and Asian Females
Persistent Black Females


Every factor has underlying sub-factors. If you want to see how they are mapped, take a look at our sample Factor and Sub-Factor Report.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
This information is intended to bolster your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts by helping you to account for inherent bias and the portioning of opportunities. By being mindful of the gender and racial aspects of behavior, you can create a fair environment and a sense of belonging.

Here are a few suggestions about how the data may be used:

  • Recognize the unique contributions individuals might bring to the organization.

  • Create diverse teams in terms of both perspective and behavior.

  • Encourage the integration of various behavioral styles to enhance team performance and innovation.

  • Prioritize creating an inclusive environment that values and leverages the diverse strengths of all team members.

What’s Next?
We think the results of this study were fascinating, and there will be more to follow. We’re often asked about comparing traits of family members. Wouldn’t that be fun! If you have an idea for a future study or would like to be a participant, please let us know.

Want to know what your behavior style is? You can take the DNA Natural Behavior Discovery for free!


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